Maritime IKD Tournament

Maritime IKD Tournament 🗓

Saturday, November 18 @ Cumberland North Academy,

Registration deadline:                  Tuesday, November 14 by 9pm

Registration details:                      Name, Dojo, Rank (specific Kyu/Dan), Age (on November 18), Gender

Cost:                                                     $10 PER PERSON

Schedule:    9:00 am Judge Refresher/training – Brown & Black Belts age 13+

                        10:00am setup for actual tournament

                        10:30am -5pm Tournament – Order: Individual Kata, Team Kata, Team Bunkai, Individual Kumite

Volunteers needed to do scorekeeping and timekeeping.

INDIVIDUAL EVENTS: (Separate Youth VS Adult and some by gender and/or rank depending on age/level and registration numbers)

  • Beginner: 9th Kyu (White), 8th Kyu (Yellow)7th Kyu (Orange)
    • Kata elimination: Heian Shodan flag system (2 perform simultaneously)
    • Kata Finals: Tokui kata point system
    • Kumite: Sanbon – jodan, chudan, gedan/counter attack
  • Intermediate: 6th Kyu (Green), 5th Kyu (Blue), 4th Kyu (Purple)
    • Kata elimination: Heian Yondan flag system
    • Kata Finals: Tokui kata point system
    • Kumite: Ippon – jodan, chudan, mae-geri (no kekomi attack, no penalty for same counter attacks)
  • Advance: 3rd Kyu, 2nd Kyu, 1st Kyu (Brown)
    • Kata elimination: Heian Nidan to Tekki Shodan flag system
    • Kata Finals: Tokui kata point system
    • Kumite eliminations: Jiyu ippon kumite (no contact allowed); no kekomi/mawashi-geri attack, no penalty for same counter attacks; Favorite sides for each attack. However, once announced attacker cannot change sides.
    • Kumite Finals: Jiyu kumite (no contact allowed)
  • Black Belts
    • Kata elimination: Heian Nidan to Tekki Shodan flag system
    • Kata Finals: Tokui kata point system
    • Kumite Eliminations & Finals: Jiyu kumite


  • Team Kata & Team Bunkai
    • Tentatively by age group Youth and Adult
    • Mixed Genders/ranks allowed


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