Dojo Kun & Niju Kun

Dojo Kun

  • Seek Perfection of Character – Hitotsu! Jinkaku kensei ni tsutomuru koto!
    Hee-toe-tsu! Jeen-kah-koo Kahn-say Nee Tsu-toe-moo-roo Koe-toe
  • Be faithful – Hitotsu! Makoto no michi o mamoru koto!
    Hee-toe-tsu! Mah-koe-toe No Mee-chee Oh Mah-moe-roo Koe-toe
  • Endeavor – Hitotsu! Doryoku no seishin o yashinau koto!
    Hee-toe-tsu! Doe-ree-oh-koo No Say-sheen Oh Yah-shee-now Koe-toe
  • Respect others – Hitotsu! Reigo o omonzuru koto!
    Hee-toe-tsu! Ray-gee Oh Oh-mone-zoo-roo Koe-toe
  • Refrain from violent behavior – Hitotsu! Kekkino yu o imashimuru koto!
    Hee-toe-tsu! Kay-kee No You Oh Ee-mah-shee-moo-roo Koe-toe

Dojo Kun Audio

Dojo Kun Explained

Niju Kun

  1. Do not forget that Karate begins with a bow and finishes with a bowKarate-do wa rei ni hajimari rei ni owaru koto o wasureruna
  2. In karate, never attack firstKarate ni sente nashi
  3. One who practices karate must follow the way of justiceKarate wa gi no tasuke
  4. Know yourself first, then you can know othersMazu jiko o shire, shikoshite ta o shire
  5. Spirit and mind are more important than techniqueGijutsu yori shinjutsu
  6. Be ready to release your mindKokoro wa hanatan koto o yosu
  7. Misfortune comes out of idlenessWaza wai ketai ni seizu
  8. Don’t think that what you learn in karate can’t be used outside the dojoDojo nomino karate to omouna
  9. It will take all of your life to learn karateKarate no shugyo wa issho
  10. Put karate into your everyday living; that is how to see its true beautyAra yuru mono o karateka seyo; soko ni myomi ari
  11. Karate is just like hot water; if you do not give it continuous heat, it will become coldKarate wa yu no gotoshi taezu netsu o ataezareba moto no mizu ni kaeru
  12. Do not cling to the idea of winning; it is the idea of not losing that is necessaryKatsu kangae wa motsuna; makenu kangae wa hitsuyo
  13. Move according to your opponentTeki ni yotte tenka seyo
  14. In conflict, you must discern the vulnerable from the invulnerable pointsTatakai wa kyo-jitsu no soju ikan ni ari
  15. Consider your opponent’s legs and arms as you would lethal swordsHito no te-ashi o ken to omoe
  16. Be aware at all times that you have millions of potential opponentsDanshi mon o izureba hyakuman no teki ari
  17. Postured stance is for beginners; later comes naturalnessKamae wa shoshinsha ni atowa shizen-tai
  18. Kata is about correct and proper form; engaging in a real fight is something elseKata wa tadashiku, jisen wa betsumono
  19. Do not forget: 1) strength and weakness of power; 2) contraction and expansion of body; and 3) rhythm of techniquesChikara no kyojaku, tai no shinshuku, waza no kankyu o wasureruna
  20. Always create and deviseTsune ni shinen kufu seyo

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