Refrain from violent behavior – Hitotsu! Kekkino yu o imashimuru koto! Hee-toe-tsu! Kay-kee No You Oh Ee-mah-shee-moo-roo Koe-toe
Dojo Kun Audio
Dojo Kun Explained
Niju Kun
Do not forget that Karate begins with a bow and finishes with a bow – Karate-do wa rei ni hajimari rei ni owaru koto o wasureruna
In karate, never attack first – Karate ni sente nashi
One who practices karate must follow the way of justice – Karate wa gi no tasuke
Know yourself first, then you can know others – Mazu jiko o shire, shikoshite ta o shire
Spirit and mind are more important than technique – Gijutsu yori shinjutsu
Be ready to release your mind – Kokoro wa hanatan koto o yosu
Misfortune comes out of idleness – Waza wai ketai ni seizu
Don’t think that what you learn in karate can’t be used outside the dojo – Dojo nomino karate to omouna
It will take all of your life to learn karate – Karate no shugyo wa issho
Put karate into your everyday living; that is how to see its true beauty – Ara yuru mono o karateka seyo; soko ni myomi ari
Karate is just like hot water; if you do not give it continuous heat, it will become cold – Karate wa yu no gotoshi taezu netsu o ataezareba moto no mizu ni kaeru
Do not cling to the idea of winning; it is the idea of not losing that is necessary – Katsu kangae wa motsuna; makenu kangae wa hitsuyo
Move according to your opponent – Teki ni yotte tenka seyo
In conflict, you must discern the vulnerable from the invulnerable points – Tatakai wa kyo-jitsu no soju ikan ni ari
Consider your opponent’s legs and arms as you would lethal swords – Hito no te-ashi o ken to omoe
Be aware at all times that you have millions of potential opponents – Danshi mon o izureba hyakuman no teki ari
Postured stance is for beginners; later comes naturalness – Kamae wa shoshinsha ni atowa shizen-tai
Kata is about correct and proper form; engaging in a real fight is something else – Kata wa tadashiku, jisen wa betsumono
Do not forget: 1) strength and weakness of power; 2) contraction and expansion of body; and 3) rhythm of techniques – Chikara no kyojaku, tai no shinshuku, waza no kankyu o wasureruna
Always create and devise – Tsune ni shinen kufu seyo